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"Stella Maxwell Eliza Dushku Kate Upton Gemma Arterton Katherine McNamara Victoria Justice Barbara Palvin Alicia Vikander Emilia Clarke Jessica Biel Vanessa Hudgens Halle Berry Jessica Alba Dianna Agro"
5 years, 3 months ago
Recent reviews
Home Alone review

Macaulay Culkin changed how people looked at being home alone. As a child I always loved being at home while my parents where away. Just with the Idea I could do anything. And thy to do everything Kevin McCallister did. Home it has become a tradition to view Home Alone with Christmas and the second instalment with New Year. For me this is the Christmas movie that everyone must see

South Park review

My al time favourite animated series. I thank Trey Parker and Matt Stone for so many great moments. South Park has always been funny, can be oddly topical. The characters are amazing. Most notably Cartman. Who I describe as the best character in Animated history. And there are some great ones in that list. I hope South Park never stops. It Is TV. Gold

That '70s Show review

One of the best comedy shows I've ever seen. It all seems so cheap, The characters are all amazingly stereotypical. But that was just the appeal of that '70s Show. Jackie, was a rich, stuck-up, pretty little Bitch. And she had a hot dump idiot for a boyfriend (Michael). Steven was a cool, rock'n roll pothead. With parental problems, Donna was a hot, large strong woman, yet she dated the weak, small nerd (Eric). Fez was just an awkward, oversexed foreigner.
The good part of the show is that it brought together 6 complete different people in the basement of one of the best characters ever (Red). And they shared there lives and switched it up completely. Jobs, Riches, Partners, .... In all those years everything changed. Except the stereotypes
The good part of the show is that it brought together 6 complete different people in the basement of one of the best characters ever (Red). And they shared there lives and switched it up completely. Jobs, Riches, Partners, .... In all those years everything changed. Except the stereotypes

How I Met Your Mother: Season 1 review

First Season isn't bad, good cast, good gags. It did remind me of Friend a little to much.
The basis that is is a told story of the past is a great concept but I found it sad that you know from episode one that Ted won't end up with Robin. The whole season the relationship goes up and down and you would hope they would get together, witch they do at the end of the season, but since episode one you know it won't last since she is aunt Robin to the kids.
Barney is the best part of the gang, Mysterious, And very much a ladies man
The basis that is is a told story of the past is a great concept but I found it sad that you know from episode one that Ted won't end up with Robin. The whole season the relationship goes up and down and you would hope they would get together, witch they do at the end of the season, but since episode one you know it won't last since she is aunt Robin to the kids.
Barney is the best part of the gang, Mysterious, And very much a ladies man

Barely Lethal review

I actually like this film. It wasn't original, it is rather predictable. But nonetheless I found it enjoyable.
I liked the cast, Definitely because the three main actresses to play high school seniors where born in 1996. Sadly the boys where a little older.
I liked the cast, Definitely because the three main actresses to play high school seniors where born in 1996. Sadly the boys where a little older.

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson review

I'm sad it ended, but it was his decision. In my eyes it was the best and funniest US talk show around. Craig always had his quick witted comments, had a great interaction with the audience and with the skeleton. His quest might never have been the biggest stars. but beautiful woman and comedians where always his forte. He just had a way of making the show enjoyable and funny

Gossip Girl review

This show stared very well, had descend character development, and had much intrigue. The main cast had of course the good fortune of being rather good looking.
The start of the story might have been slow, but with the amount of characters. It was logical it would take some time before the public got to know everyone. yet when the time was right everything kicked off. Love, money, dreams, society, mystery. The show took care of it all.
The first seasons where very good. but after a while, only one mystery remained. The Identity of Gossip Girl. And the show might have been losing quality, the great mystery kept audiences watching.
The reveal and the eventual wedding where a great moment to end the show. The show might have overstayed its welcome for a little, but some shows did it way worse.
The start of the story might have been slow, but with the amount of characters. It was logical it would take some time before the public got to know everyone. yet when the time was right everything kicked off. Love, money, dreams, society, mystery. The show took care of it all.
The first seasons where very good. but after a while, only one mystery remained. The Identity of Gossip Girl. And the show might have been losing quality, the great mystery kept audiences watching.
The reveal and the eventual wedding where a great moment to end the show. The show might have overstayed its welcome for a little, but some shows did it way worse.

Forrest Gump review

Somehow I never understood why so much people love this movie. The tale isn't bad and there are some interesting quotes and a few great moments. But overall I found this a boring film, It takes to much time for what it is.
The graphics aren't better then any other film. I really don't see why this would be a great film. It is an ordinary film, with really nothing special.
Tom Hanks is a good actor, but he really has nothing to work with here. I like Michael Conner Humphreys much better
The graphics aren't better then any other film. I really don't see why this would be a great film. It is an ordinary film, with really nothing special.
Tom Hanks is a good actor, but he really has nothing to work with here. I like Michael Conner Humphreys much better

Brave review

One of the best animation films of the last decade. Disney needed a princess that stood on her own, and wasn't just there for the prince to save.
Merida is a great female character, The waiving red hair and the tight dresses make her a real princess but with the bow she is pretty bad-ass. And she can look out for herself.
With no real main villain, until late in the movie. It is a complete other story than any normal hero film. It is more of a knights quest.
The Scottish accents are amazing. I think the animation is good but the voices are what makes the movie great
Merida is a great female character, The waiving red hair and the tight dresses make her a real princess but with the bow she is pretty bad-ass. And she can look out for herself.
With no real main villain, until late in the movie. It is a complete other story than any normal hero film. It is more of a knights quest.
The Scottish accents are amazing. I think the animation is good but the voices are what makes the movie great

The Boat That Rocked review

Even tough the film has his funny moments, I do not consider this film much of a comedy. Overall it does not try to make us laugh, but it tend to make us (well me) happy. Due to its documentary nature and the history involved, the story is very realistic and interesting. But the most important and attractive part is without a doubt the great music. I do own the soundtrack, and I love it. The music also accentuates the story. The right song at the right time can be so important, and they don't miss an note. For me the best part will always be when the cast is singing Elenore by The Turtles. I would recommend this film to everyone. Even if it is just of the musical history within.

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As always, thanks for all the votes and comments! Your participation in this, and all of my polls, is always appreciated!!
As always, thanks for all the votes and comments! Your participation in this, and all of my polls, is always appreciated!!
me playing covers with my wife. Enjoy.
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Apologies for the long wait, been dealing with some personal issues, but I hope to wrap this poll up before the end of the summer :)